Comments, compliments & complaints
Comments, compliments and complaints procedure
We welcome your comments, compliments, and complaints as they help us to improve our service.
Please let us know if our representatives or services have been helpful, but if things do go wrong, please use this procedure to help us to look into your complaint.
if you have a comment or concern, talk to the Lead Teacher at your session.
If you feel that the issue cannot be resolved at this point, please contact Julia at and Susy at
Whoever you speak to will listen to, and note, what you have to say and will forward the information you have provided to Julia / Susy who will investigate and respond to you.
We aim to sort out simple complaints within 10 working days. We will contact you if we think it will take longer.
Contact by writing to:
202 Godstone Road
Email: /
Or by phone: 07736 251800